There is a lot to be said about telling one’s story. And telling it in a compelling way where others might find it interesting to read. Im an average girl with an average life but i believe i have an extraordinary story to tell. Where do i even begin? As of publishing this blog i had been out of the hospital for about 3 months, see in the summer of 2024 i found myself hospitalized for 4 months. We can get into the details later but even just the thought of me having been hospitalized that long is even crazy to comprehend. So lets go on this journey together as i try to unravel what happened and make some sense out of it.

My name is Deb, I adore my husband and love my family to bits! I love my community of family and friends that i have. I live a rather simple life of Faith, Family and Community. I just so also happen to have a story to tell and lots of knowledge and experience to pass on to someone. Stay tuned as we go on this journey together.